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Not found alternative method

CellUnlocker How Tos
By Cellunlockernet8:41 pm July 15, 2010

The Follow methods we can usually get ALL “not found” codes, if we fail to get the unlock code for you, you will be refunded 100%

The manufacturer methods (unlock code) we currently have include:

1. All LG phones……………………. 14.99,   1-2 business days

2. All Motorola phones…………. 19.99,   1-2 business days

3. All HTC phones…………………. 29.99,  2 minutes-1 hour

4. All Sony Ericsson phones…..39.99,   1-2 business days

To place your order for the manufacturer method, please input the first 15 digits of your IMEI number (press *#06#) and send us the difference (subtract initial payment from cost of manufacturer method)

Please send us your IMEI #

If you have questions please don’t hesistate to contact us at sales@cellunlocker.net or 1-800-507-9077

Thank you

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