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How to Unlock LG CF360

CellUnlocker How Tos
By Cellunlockernet7:45 pm June 21, 2010

This is guide on how to unlock your LG CF360 to any GSM network.

Phones will often come locked to a certain carrier or network so you cannot switch SIM cards using the same phone.

You can unlock

T-Mobile LG CF360

Rogers LG CF360

Cingular / AT&T LG CF360

Orange UK LG CF360

T-Mobile UK LG CF360

Vodafone UK LG CF360

and all other carriers.

In order to unlock your mobile phone to any GSM network you will require a remote unlock code.

How to get an unlock code for LG CF360

Do a code look up to find out if your IMEI number is found.  We can 99% percent of the time help you free your phone.

You can get the unlock code from HERE

In order to unlock your phone, we require your IMEI number.  You can find this by pressing *#06# on your phone as if you are making phone call.

Your IMEI number is always 15-17 digits long.

Once you receive your Unlock Code from us by email, simply follow the instructions below and your phone will be free to use on any GSM network.

LG CF360 Unlocking Instructions

1. Put a non-accepted simcard in the phone
2. Enter the unlock code provided
3. LG CF360 should say “Network Lock Deactivated”

  1. nanta'areno

    PHONE:LG CF360

    • admin Staff

      Hi there you will need place your order online first, and when it is finished processing the Unlock Code and instructions will be emailed to you.

  2. nanta'areno

    PHONE:LG CF360

  3. adminadmin

    IMEI: 01163100879882804

    Phone: LG CF360

    network: ATT
    please some one help me and send me an unlock code.

    • admin Staff

      Hi there please place your order online, once the code is finished processing you will be emailed the unlock code

  4. admin Staff

    yes, please place your order online and when it is finished processing the Unlock Code will be emailed to you


  5. admin Staff

    yes, please place your order online


  6. Grandiusmendoza

    011631002415940same unit

    • cellunlocker

      please place your order online and the code will be emailed to you

  7. locotron

    Network: AT&T
    Phone: LG CF360
    IMEI Number: 011631000548916

  8. Sean Lu

    IMEI : 011631005221998
    PHONE : LG CF360
    Please send me unlocking code. Thank !

  9. nhatnguyen

    IMEI : 01163100068983503
    PHONE : LG CF360
    Please send me unlocking code. Thank !

  10. some one help me unlocking my phone

    Network: AT&T
    Phone: LG CF360
    IMEI Number: 012123001616776

    Please send me unlocking code

  11. my IMEI: 011631009722371

    the household so he unlocked my phone with …..!

    Thanks a lot!

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