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Unlock Samsung S3850 Corby II 2

CellUnlocker How Tos
By Cellunlockernet10:49 pm March 17, 2011

This is a tutorial and instructions on how you can unlock your S3850 Corby II from Samsung to free its network. After you unlock your S3850 Corby II, you can change to any GSM Carrier. Simply enter an unlock code to unlock it.

Unlock all Samsung S3850 Corby II carriers including:

Unlock Cingular At&t S3850 Corby II

Unlock Telus S3850 Corby II
Unlock Rogers S3850 Corby II
Unlock Fido S3850 Corby II
Unlock Vodafone UK S3850 Corby II
Unlock Tmobile S3850 Corby II
Unlock O2 S3850 Corby II
Unlock Orange S3850 Corby II

and all UK network


Free the network of your phone fast and easy with https://www.cellunlocker.net

*Note: if you have previously tried to use a faulty code to unlock this device do not attempt to unlock it*
Cellunlocker.net is proud to announce that we can unlock any S3850 Corby II

After you unlock your S3850 Corby II device, you can change to any GSM Carrier. Simply enter an unlock code to unlock it.

We can eliminate the “enter network pin” or “network code” or “no simcard allowed” message by sending you an unlock code  email
Once you place your order, we will send you via email:

1. 15 digit unlock code
2. Detailed unlocking instructions

Unlock your S3850 Corby II by unlock code today!

*Once you unlock your Samsung device you can use it on certain GSM carriers, if you are not sure if it will work or not please check with us first.

Once you have received your unlock code by email from us:

Samsung Unlocking Instructions

1. Power on with a non accepted SIM card
2. Phone is ask for network sim pin or unlock code
3. Enter code, and the phone should “Network Lock Deactivated” or “Code accepted”


1. Power on without SIM
2. Type in #7465625*638*Unlock code# (8 digit unlock code*)
3. Device should say: “Network Lock Deactivated”
4. Phone may automatically reboot

Unlock your S3850 Corby II handset from https://www.cellunlocker.net/samsung-unlock.php

  1. Castingcrown26

    do i need to pay here? im from phillipines can u help me how to unlock my s3850

    • cellunlocker

      No Go to “Code Look” and Select “Samsung”. Fill out the appropiate information and the code will be emailed to you after processing

  2. please help me how to unlock my phone…its phonefreeze by network.

  3. first time in this site

    • admin Staff

      yes its 100% Guaranteed to unlock your phone

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